• "Yiddin Say Thanks"

    One of the central themes depicted in all of the artwork available in this collection is the concept of 'Achdus' or unity. The Sukka symbolizes the inclusive nature of every individual and this particular piece of art serves as a visual representation of that profound idea.

  • "Yiddin In The Sukka"

    This poster has been a major hit so far! Again, It's all about unity, with every Yid doing their own thing, whether that's relaxing in a hammock with a Keduhas Levi, or having fun with magnetic tiles. For one week, we all live in the sukka. That's the whole Avodah! So let's make ourselves at home!

In Israel For Yumtiff?

email ForTheYiddin@gmail.com with subject line "Israel" or call +972-53-473-9095 to reserve a poster in Israel